Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Introduction to Statistics for Beginners

Brief Description:

To provide an easy introduction to statistics for those with little or no prior exposure to basic probability and descriptive statistics.

Aim of Course:
To provide an easy introduction to statistics for those with little or no prior exposure to basic probability and descriptive statistics in preparation for the two course sequence Introduction to Statistics 1:  Sampling and Inference and Introduction to Statistics 2: Working with Bivariate Data.

Course Program:

SESSION 1: Designing a Statistical Study

Gathering and organizing data
Looking at your (measurement) data
Simple numerical and graphical summaries
Introduction to statistical inference via resampling

SESSION 2: Categorical Data and Probability

Observational studies, polls and surveys
Looking at your (categorical) data
Letting the computer do the work
Random variables and their distributions
Expected value
The normal distribution

SESSION 3: Relationships Between (Two Categorical) Variables

Two-way Tables
Conditional probabilities
Bayes rule
Simpson's paradox

Organization of the Course:
This course takes place over the internet, at statistics.com for 3 weeks.

During each course week, you participate at times of your own choosing - there are no set times when you must be online. Course participants will be given access to a private discussion board. In class discussions led by the instructor, you can post questions, seek clarification, and interact with your fellow students and the instructor.

The course typically requires 15 hours per week. At the beginning of each week, you receive the relevant material, in addition to answers to exercises from the previous session. During the week, you are expected to go over the course materials and work through exercises. Discussion among participants is encouraged. The instructor will provide answers and comments.

The core strength of these online courses is the instructors. Statistics.com has over 60 instructors, who are recruited based in their expertise various areas in statistics. Most of these instructors are internationally-known experts in their field. These instructors are the subject experts with industry / consulting experience.

You will be able to ask questions and exchange comments with the instructors via a private discussion board throughout the course.   The courses take place online at statistics.com in a series of 4 weekly lessons and assignments, and require about 15 hours/week.  Participate at your own convenience; there are no set times when you must be online. You have the flexibility to work a bit every day, if that is your preference, or concentrate your work in just a couple of days.

For Indian participants statistics.com accepts registration for its courses at special prices in Indian Rupees through its partner, the Center for eLearning and Training (C-eLT), Pune (www.c-elt.com).

For India Registration and pricing, please visit us at www.india.statistics.com.

If you have any query please feel free to call me or write to me. 

For More details contact at
Call: 020 66009116