Thursday, 27 December 2012

Advanced Structural Equation Modeling

The American Psychological Association is debating whether to drop narcissism as a personality disorder, largely because it is hard to measure.  How do social scientists actually measure characteristics of personality?  Part of the answer is to measure more concrete attributes (e.g. via responses on a survey) and to treat, say, narcissism as a derived "latent variable." Causal models of relationships involving latent variables are the domain of structural equation modeling (SEM).  Randall Schumacker, author of a number of books in this area, will present his online course "Advanced Structural Equation Modeling" at For more details please visit at

Who can take this course:
Market researchers, educational researchers, sociologists and psychologists, political scientists, economists, and survey researchers.

Course Program:

Course outline: The course is structured as follows
SESSION 1: Multiple Indicators and Causes
  • Multiple Indicator and Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model
  • Multiple-Group model

SESSION 2: Multilevel Models
  • Multilevel (HLM) model
  • Mixture model
  • Structured Means model

SESSION 3: Multitrait, Multimethod, Interacties
  • Multitrait-Multimethod model
  • Second Order Factor model
  • Interaction models

SESSION 4: Latent Variable, Dynamic Factor
  • Latent Variable Growth Curve model
  • Dynamic Factor model
  • Power and Sample Size
  • Monte Carlo Methods

Dr. Schumacker is a professor at the University of Alabama and, in addition to "Advanced Structural Equation Modeling," he has co-authored "A Beginner's Guide to Structural Equation Modeling" (with Richard Lomax) and is the co-editor (with George Marcoulides) of "Advanced Structural Equation Modeling: Issues and Techniques and Interaction and Nonlinear Effects in Structural Equation Modeling." Dr. Schumacker was the founder, editor (1994-1998), and is the current emeritus editor of "Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal." He also founded the Structural Equation Modeling Special Interest Group at the American Educational Research Association.

This course takes place over the internet at the Institute for 4 weeks. During each course week, you participate at times of your own choosing - there are no set times when you must be online. Course participants will be given access to a private discussion board so that they will be able to ask questions and exchange comments with instructor, Dr. Randall Schumacker. In class discussions led by the instructor, you can post questions, seek clarification, and interact with your fellow students and the instructor.

The course typically requires 15 hours per week. At the beginning of each week, you receive the relevant material, in addition to answers to exercises from the previous session. During the week, you are expected to go over the course materials, work through exercises, and submit answers. Discussion among participants is encouraged. The instructor will provide answers and comments, and at the end of the week, you will receive individual feedback on your homework answers.

For Indian participants accepts registration for its courses at special prices in Indian Rupees through its partner, the Center for eLearning and Training (C-eLT), Pune.

For India Registration and pricing, please visit us at

For More details contact at
Call: 020 6600 9116


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