Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Spatial Analysis Techniques in R

Identifying transit corridors for elephants, analyzing the spread of cancer in time and space, modeling commercial interactions among firms - these are just a few of the recent applications I have seen of spatial statistics.   Learn the basics in David Unwin’s online course “Spatial Analysis Techniques in R” at For more details please visit at

“Spatial Analysis Techniques in R” will teach users how to implement spatial statistical analysis procedures using R software. Topics covered include point pattern analysis, identifying clusters, measures of spatial association, geographically weighted regression and surface procession.  The course includes a concise introduction to R, but some prior familiarity with R will minimize time spent learning it, and allow you to focus more on the spatial statistics techniques.

Who Should Take This Course?
Analysts and researchers who are familiar with R and want to learn how to use it for analysis of spatial data.

Course Program:

Course outline: The course is structured as follows

SESSION 1: Using R with Spatial Data

SESSION 2: Practical Point Pattern Analysis: Dealing with Inhomogeneity and Locating Clusters

SESSION 3: Looking Closer at Areas: The Importance of Local Measures of Spatial Association and Geographically Weighted Regression

SESSION 4: Surface Procession

Dr. David Unwin is Emeritus Chair of Geography at Birkbeck College and Visiting Professor in the Department of Geomatic Engineering at University College, both in the University of London. He has authored over a hundred academic papers in the field, together with a series of texts, of which the most recent are his “Geographic Information Analysis, 2nd edition” (with D. O'Sullivan, 2010) and a series of edited collections at the interface between geography and computer science in “Visualization in GIS” (Hearnshaw and Unwin, 1994), “Spatial Analytical Perspectives on GIS” (Fischer, Scholten and Unwin, 1996) “Virtual Reality in Geography” (Fisher and Unwin, 2002) and, most recently representation issues in “Re-presenting GIS” (Fisher and Unwin, 2005). Participants can ask questions and exchange comments directly with Dr. Unwin via a private discussion board during the course.

This course takes place over the internet at the Institute for 4 weeks. During each course week, you participate at times of your own choosing - there are no set times when you must be online. Course participants will be given access to a private discussion board so that they will be able to ask questions and exchange comments with instructor, Dr. David Unwin. In class discussions led by the instructor, you can post questions, seek clarification, and interact with your fellow students and the instructor.

The course typically requires 15 hours per week. At the beginning of each week, you receive the relevant material, in addition to answers to exercises from the previous session. During the week, you are expected to go over the course materials, work through exercises, and submit answers. Discussion among participants is encouraged. The instructor will provide answers and comments, and at the end of the week, you will receive individual feedback on your homework answers.

For Indian participants accepts registration for its courses at special prices in Indian Rupees through its partner, the Center for eLearning and Training (C-eLT), Pune.

For India Registration and pricing, please visit us at

For More details contact at
Call: 020 6600 9116


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