Monday, 22 April 2013

Introduction to R – Data Handling

Here you will get a basic introduction to R and its use in organizing and exploring data. The emphasis is on understanding and working with fundamental R data structures and we will introduce some basic R programming techniques. Once you've completed this course you'll be able to enter, save, retrieve, manipulate, and summarize data using R; you will also have the proper foundation to build your programming skills in R and take advantage of the full power of R. Join Dr. Paul Murrell’s online course Introduction to R – Data Handling at For more details please visit at

Who Should Take This Course:
Anyone who wants to wants to learn the fundamentals of data handling and begin their study of programming in R.

Course Program:

Course outline: The course is structured as follows
SESSION 1: Getting Started with R
  • The R command line
  • Function calls, symbols, and assignment
  • Packages
  • Getting help on R

SESSION 2: Data Structures and Subsetting
  • Data Types and data structures
  • Subsetting data
  • Type coercion

SESSION 3: Import/Export and Data Manipulation
  • Text files, XML, Spreadsheets, and binary files
  • Large data sets
  • Tabulating and aggregating

SESSION 4: Advanced Data Manipulation
  • Merging, Splitting and Reshaping
  • Text Processing
  • Data Formatting

The instructor, Dr. Paul Murrell, is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Statistics at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Paul has been a member of the core development team for R since 1999, with a focus on the graphics system in R. He has served as Chair of the Section for Statistical Graphics of the American Statistical Association.  He has recently served as Editor-in-Chief of "R News", the newsletter of the R project, and is an Associate Editor for "Computational Statistics" and "The Journal of Statistical Software".  

This course takes place over the internet at the Institute for 4 weeks. During each course week, you participate at times of your own choosing - there are no set times when you must be online. The course typically requires 15 hours per week. Course participants will be given access to a private discussion board so that they will be able to ask questions and exchange comments with instructor, Dr. Paul Murrell. The class discussions led by the instructor, you can post questions, seek clarification, and interact with your fellow students and the instructor.

For Indian participants accepts registration for its courses at special prices in Indian Rupees through its partner, the Center for eLearning and Training (C-eLT), Pune.

For India Registration and pricing, please visit us at

Call: 020 66009116


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