Do telephone poles need to be treated
with creosote every 2 years? Or will every 5 years do? Do heart patients
do better with plain stents, or stents coated with medication? We
typically measure the outcomes of treatments like this in terms of
"survival times" (in medicine) or "time to event" (more
broadly). Our online course in the subject is called "Survival
Analysis," by David Kleinbaum and Matthew Strickland, and runs from March
23 - April 20. For more details please visit at
"Survival Analysis"
describes the various methods used for modeling and evaluating survival data,
also called time-to-event data. Survival models are used in a variety of
health and social sciences, including biostatistics, epidemiology,
anthropology, sociology, psychology and economics. In engineering
applications, the topic is called "time-to-failure" analysis.
General statistical concepts and methods discussed in this course include
survival and hazard functions, Kaplan-Meier graphs, log-rank and related tests,
Cox proportional hazards model, and the extended Cox model for time-varying
Dr. Kleinbaum is internationally known for his textbooks in statistical and epidemiologic methods and as an outstanding teacher. His popular text "Survival Analysis - A Self Learning Text" is the text for this course. He has also taught over 150 short courses over the past 30 years throughout the world.
Prof. Mathew Strickland is Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health at Emory University, and will be the primary discussion leader for this session of the course. He has taught a variety of in-person and distance education courses on Epidemiologic Modeling, Fundamentals of Epidemiology, and Maternal/Child Health Epidemiology. Participants can ask questions and exchange comments with the instructors via a private discussion board throughout the period.
Dr. Kleinbaum is internationally known for his textbooks in statistical and epidemiologic methods and as an outstanding teacher. His popular text "Survival Analysis - A Self Learning Text" is the text for this course. He has also taught over 150 short courses over the past 30 years throughout the world.
Prof. Mathew Strickland is Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health at Emory University, and will be the primary discussion leader for this session of the course. He has taught a variety of in-person and distance education courses on Epidemiologic Modeling, Fundamentals of Epidemiology, and Maternal/Child Health Epidemiology. Participants can ask questions and exchange comments with the instructors via a private discussion board throughout the period.
Aim of the course –
course describes the various methods used for modeling and evaluating survival
data, also called time-to-event data. Survival models are used in
biostatistical, epidemiological, and a variety of health related fields. They
are also used for research in the social sciences as well as the physical and
biological sciences, including, economic, sociological, psychological,
political, and anthropological data. Survival analysis also has been applied to
the field of engineering, where it typically referred to as reliability
statistical concepts and methods discussed in this course include survival and
hazard functions, Kaplan-Meier graphs, log-rank and related tests, Cox
proportional hazards model, and the extended Cox model for time-varying
covariates. The course will also require participants to use a convenient
statistical package (e.g., SAS, JMP, STATA, SPSS, R, or S+) to analyze survival
analysis data.
Who should take this course –
designing, conducting or analysing medical studies or clinical trials.
Researchers in any field (including engineering) working with data on how long
things last.
Course Program:
Course outline: The course is structured as follows
- An overview of survival analysis
- Censoring
- Key terms: survival and hazard
- Goals of a survival analysis
- Data layout for the computer
- Data layout for theory
- Descriptive statistics for
survival analysis- the hazard ratio
- Graphing survival data- Kaplan
- The Log Rank and related tests.
- Introduction to the Cox
Proportional Hazards (PH) model- computer example
- Model definition and features
- Maximum likelihood estimation for
the Cox PH model
- Computing the hazard ratio in the
Cox PH model
- The PH assumption
- Adjusted survival curves
- Checking the proportional hazard
- The likelihood function for the
Cox PH model
- Introduction to the Stratified
Cox procedure
- The no-interaction Stratified Cox
- The Stratified Cox model that
allows for interaction
- Definition and examples of
time-dependent variables
- Definition and features of the
extended Cox model
- Stanford Heart Transplant Study
- Addicts Dataset Example
- The likelihood functions for the
extended Cox model.
core strength of these online courses is the instructors. has
over 60 instructors, who are recruited based in their expertise various areas
in statistics. Most of these instructors are internationally-known experts in
their field. These instructors are the subject experts with industry /
consulting experience.
will be able to ask questions and exchange comments with the instructors via a
private discussion board throughout the course. The courses take
place online at in a series of 4 weekly lessons and assignments,
and require about 15 hours/week. Participate at your own convenience;
there are no set times when you must be online. You have the flexibility to
work a bit every day, if that is your preference, or concentrate your work in
just a couple of days.
For Indian participants accepts registration for its courses at special prices in Indian
Rupees through its partner, the Center for eLearning and Training (C-eLT), Pune
you have any query please feel free to call me or write to me.
More details contact at
020 66009116
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